5 Benefits of Commercial Video Production for Business

To succeed in today’s highly competitive—and highly connected—business market, it’s important to invest at least some of your resources in commercial video production. Gone are the days when a simple ad in the newspaper was enough to get customers to visit your store or restaurant or to call you for the services your company provides. 

These days, everything, including most advertising, has a digital element, and any successful business venture must have a strong online presence. In order to have a strong online presence, you must use video content across your social channels.

Our video production company, Pretzel Logic Productions, specializes in creating this type of content. Below, we’ll list our top five benefits that commercial video production will bring to your business:

1. You’ll Reach a Much Broader Market

As we mentioned above, a fair amount of advertising is digital these days, as most people consume the majority of media from their phones and computer screens. Of course, digital advertising takes many forms, including banner ads, AdWords, and of course, video ads.

To reach a broader market, it’s important to branch out as much as possible. Expanding your advertising reach means taking advantage of as many different advertising techniques as you can. It’s especially important to take advantage of advertising methods that can help you to reach larger audiences, and video ads, in particular, will allow you to reach a certain demographic that would otherwise forever remain untapped.

2. It Will Help Your Business Stay Competitive

One thing to keep in mind when you are considering commercial video production for your business: whether or not you choose to use video in your marketing, your competitors will. 

Marketing statistics have shown that as high as 91 percent of businesses in the year 2023 are making use of video marketing. The data also shows that video marketing is more prevalent than it’s ever been before, and it’s only expected to increase in the future. While there are still some businesses that are late to the video production game, most of them plan to implement video advertising on some level in order to stay competitive in their chosen industry.

This means that, regardless of which industry you are in, there will be businesses attempting to use this type of advertising to reach potential customers. As long as they are doing so and you are not, they will always have a very distinct advantage over you.

3. Video Marketing Is One of the Best Ways to Teach Customers About Your Business

Of course, reaching an audience is only the beginning. The job of a successful advertising campaign is to teach customers about your business and the services or products that it offers. What are you selling? Where is your business located? Why should customers choose you over any number of competitors? 

One of the major benefits of video marketing is that, if it’s done effectively, it can communicate ideas to your customers more quickly and thoroughly than just about any other advertising technique. It’s also more engaging, with 66 percent of consumers reporting they’d like to see more video content from brands. 

Educating customers about your product or service is also about more than a simple information dump. This is your business and your passion. It’s something you have devoted a great deal of your time, money, and energy to. You are an authority in your field, and you want to be able to communicate that to customers. Video marketing is one of the most effective and clear ways to do this.

4. Which Will Directly Translate to Improved Sales

Needless to say, educating your audience with any form of advertising only works if that advertising is engaging for that audience. You want them to actually pay attention to what’s in front of them because that’s what will lead to a greater conversion rate and ultimately improved sales.

It will be even better if those prospective customers go on to share what they’ve learned about your product with others. Customers sharing your business organically is known as viral marketing, and it’s the type of advertising that can’t be bought. If you can get prospective customers talking about your product, then it will do more to spread your brand name out there than any expensive advertising campaign ever could.

According to Linkedin, video marketing is one of the best ways to do this, as videos get a staggering 1,200 percent more shares than other advertising methods. This is highly impressive in and of itself, but even more so when you consider that well-made videos will likely greatly boost the engagement level of the customers that watch them. A larger audience paying more attention will directly translate to increased sales for your business.

5. It’s the Best Way to Showcase What Makes Your Business Unique

Odds are, whatever your product or service is, you have a number of competitors to deal with who are trying to carve out the same market niche. So what is it that makes your particular business special? What sets it apart from the rest? How will you communicate to your customers your unique brand personality and style? What will you do to show you care about providing the best product or service in the industry?

It’s crucial for a successful advertising campaign to be able to answer all of these questions, preferably in those critical few seconds when a prospective customer first views an ad. This is why it’s so important that you have well-made, engaging video content, and that’s where we come in. Pretzel Logic Productions is the video marketing wing of InnoVision Marketing Group. We pride ourselves on being the anti-agency. We are far from being another interchangeable marketing agency. Instead, we work with you to create something we can both be proud of.

At Pretzel Logic Productions, we are storytellers, first and foremost, and we would be honored to help you tell your story. We offer full-service commercial video production to help you take your business to the next level, whatever it may be.

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